It is rightly said that, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Since a Pharmacist is a Doctors lexicon & patients conviction, he can only become old by age, not in terms of knowledge. This demands him to be a lifelong learner. Though Continuing education is important in most professions but continuing Pharmacy education is vital. A pharmacist’s knowledge directly influences the patient’s health, since he is the first access point for a patient.
“Healthcare is a very challenging profession. I am sure, you don’t want to wake up one day and find you’re obsolete.” Wake up and refresh your knowledge at the earliest with the new user friendly online refresher course designed by Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council’s Drug Information center with minimum enrollment charges. This course is designed keeping in mind the current demands of the society. In addressing the challenges of today’s pharmacist, we do not want to leave behind technology which offers a number of advantages. Thus, to help you learn at your own pace & ease council’s Drug information center has designed the course.
I request all fellow Pharmacists’s to use this facility and help enhance the quality of healthcare provided as well as improve our own professional status & earn the esteem we deserve.
Drug Information Center Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council
Mrs Saili Masal Registrar Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council